User guide

Open or create a JSON document

There are several ways to create a new JSON file or to open already existing JSON data in JSONBuddy:
1. The "New" command (Ctrl-N)
2. Create a new JSON schema with "File | New... | JSON schema"
3. Generate a new sample JSON document from any schema at
4. Create sample JSON data from a schema loaded in the editor
5. Open multiple documents from the built-in File Explorer
1. The "New" command
This is the usual "New" command as you know it from any other text-based editor. Of course, you can also quickly invoke it with Ctrl-N. It immediately opens a new JSON document and sets the focus to the active view.
2. Create a new JSON schema with "File | New... | JSON schema"
Are you working with JSON schemas a lot? Save time and create a new JSON schema in the editor with the "File | New... | JSON schema" command. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut (like Ctrl-Alt-N) on the "Keyboard" page of the "Tools | Customize..." dialog to the menu item. The benefit of the new JSON schema command is, that it already fills the schema content with some template text and marks the document as "JSON schema". So you don't have to do this on creating a new schema.
3. Generate a new sample JSON document from any schema at
JSONBuddy can load any JSON schema available at in the editor as a document. Those schemas are a great resource to learn how others are designing JSON data and the related specifications. But JSONBuddy also provides an easy method to quickly generate a sample JSON instance from a schema from Just set the check-box on the "File | Open from JSON schema library..." dialog:
Open from JSON schema library and create instance
4. Create sample JSON data from a schema loaded in the editor
You can also create sample JSON data as a new document from the active JSON schema in the editor with the "JSON | Generate sample document from JSON schema" menu item. Did you also notice, that the Preview window always shows updated JSON sample data while you are editing your schema in JSONBuddy?
5. Open multiple documents from the built-in File Explorer
JSONBuddy comes with a convenient built-in File Explorer window beside the standard Open command (Ctrl-O) to load files from disk. A usual way is to select multiple files in the explorer and to open them at once in the editor. This is not very special. But one of the best features of the built-in File Explorer in JSONBuddy is the folder history. The editor remembers the last folder paths from where you opened documents and you can browse this history by just typing in the current path edit field:
Search file explorer folder history
A simple and fast way to find all your recent JSON documents.
Cycle through open documents
You can cycle through open documents in backwards and forwards using Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab.